Maui Thai Bistro

Previously known as Maui's Thai Restaurant, Culinary master chef Prakong Tongsod's newest creation has given the old Thai restaurant a complete makeover. From the look and feel, and the entire menu, Maui Thai Bistro is now topping the charts on Maui's South Sides "don't miss" list.

Folks that have had the opportunity to dine at Chef Tongsod's restaurant in Hana will tell you that her vision and execution of fusing traditional Thai dishes with a modern punch will have you yelping great reviews.

Serving both lunch and dinner, one is encouraged to start off with fresh spring or crisp summer rolls. If your in the mood for a mix of Thai and Hawaiian or "Thawaiian" cuisine try the Pineapple Fried Rice with one of your dishes. Green and Red Curry dishes are just the beginning of the curry list which includes Choo Chee, Masamun, Kua and Panang Curry. Finish off with a Green Tea or Black Sesame Ice Cream and you'll be online before bedtime to add to their rave reviews.

(808) 891-8600

Maui Thai Bistro
Located in the Rainbow Mall
2439 S. Kihei Road, Suite 103B
Ph. 808-875-5605
Lunch served from 11:30 to 2:30 Tuesday to Sunday
Dinner served from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Everyday


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