Maui Floral

Located on the volcanic slopes of Haleakala, Maui Floral Farm grows some of the world’s most exotic flowers.  Tradewinds blow across the Pacific, laden with pure cool rains that nurture the rainforests and farms of upcountry Maui. The mineral rich volcanic soils of Haleakala and the water bearing breezes create the world's finest growing environment for tropicals and exotics.  Indescribable species of protea are grown in upcountry Maui and bold and multicolored tropicals thrive in the rainforests of Hana and East Maui.  And the results are breathtaking floral arrangements unlike any you’ve ever seen.

Generations of farmers have worked to develop new and lasting varieties of tropical blooms. Today, Hawaii leads the world in quantity and production of exotic flowers, and Maui is the premier producer of the many varieties grown here. Maui Floral Farm invites you to visit their upcountry farm and see the beauty for yourself. Reservations are required to tour this vast flower farm with owners Maureen and Carver Wilson, who will show you around this stunning stretch of upcountry Maui.

If you want to send home a gift unlike any other, these bold arrangements make fantastic gifts for house sitters, family and friends.  Maui's exotic flowers have a long vase life, making them perfect for shipping from Maui. All major airlines make daily flights to the mainland and beyond, so these magnificent blooms can be sent directly from the grower to you.

(800) 543-2727

Maui Floral Farm
198 Makani Rd,
Makawao, HI 96768

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